Tuesday, October 26, 2010

6 days 'till NaNo

As per suggestion of a friend of mine, I have started a writing blog.

This probably won't be anything that I'll be updating with anything vaguely resembling "regularity," but having an outlet to the wretched masses of the interweb is a-- Well, I guess you could say a "liberating experience."

Often times before opening night, a play production will have a free preview night, which is essentially a glorified dress rehearsal, but with an audience. In any sort of performing art, audience feedback is essential, and perhaps this won't be so different. Mayhaps this shall allow my creative juices to surge into the various cavities in my brain (as there are quite a few). Hooray for interactive mediums! Internet: one, Pen and paper: Zilcherino! Also, I think the title is suitably pretentious, don't you?

During November I shall keep my (as of today) non-existent readers posted on my NaNoWriMo progress. If you stumble upon this little scrap of text upon your mystical adventures through the web, won't you please be my NaNo-buddy?  http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user%252F255322 With your help, I may actually win this year!

My story is based on an ongoing RP (don't you roll your eyes at me, wippersnapper!) I've been doing with a very dear friend of mine (not the one who suggested this bloggy business.). The title so far is "Nemo" for reasons not pertaining to clown fish or submarine captains, and is a typical story of a young girl whisked away to a magical fantasy land. Unfortunately, said fantasy land is besieged by a cult trying to summon into existence a Lovecraftian world destroying monster. Hopefully, you guys'll dig it. If not... well, I haven't exactly thought that far ahead.

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