Saturday, November 13, 2010

In the imortal words of Ringo Starr, "I'VE GOT BLISTERS ON ME FINGERS!"

Well, that didn't go as planned.
First week of NaNo also coincided with the middle of the semester for me. You know what that means, boys and girls? MIDTERMS! All and all, I got about 3,000 words in the whole week.

So that weekend, I realized that rather than trying to catch up using a story I'd been assembling as I went, I'd be better off using one I had more planning for. So bye bye, Nemo, and hello Novus Mundi!

What is Novus Mundi, you ask (You did ask that, right?)? Well, when I was in 5th grade it was about the re-incarnations of four Final Fantasy 7 characters fighting a reborn Sephiroth, then when I was in the 7th grade, the plot changed to four teenagers sent to the distant future to recover magical crystals and fight their own personal deamons. Sometime in High School, the plot changed once again to, "four misfits take on a distopian government in a post-apocolyptic, cyberpunk wasteland while trying to find the meaning of life."

I was hoping on saving this one for a later date when it was in a more publishable, as it's a story whose skeleton has been with me more than half my life, even if it did grow and change to be entirely unrecognizable from its initial inception, but I have been seriously neglecting it the past few years, and this may be my chance to finally dig it up, dust it off, and share it with the world, get some critique, etc. I don't know how often I'll be updating it, but once every 1-2 weeks seems likely.

So with out further ado, Novus Mundi

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